Mail Merge Fields
Donor Tools uses the Liquid markup language to insert actual values into letters and emails.
Liquid works primarily by replacing variables surrounded by double-brackets like this:
{{ a_variable }}
. A comprehensive overview of Liquid is available at
The following mail merge fields are available in Donor Tools.
Field | Description |
{{}} | Joe Donor |
{{donor.first_name}} | Joe |
{{donor.last_name}} | Donor |
{{donor.company_name}} | Megacorp, Inc. |
{{donor.address}} | 1234 5th St Wallawalla, WA 55555 |
{{donor.street_address}} | 1234 5th St |
{{}} | Wallawalla |
{{donor.state}} | WA |
{{donor.postal_code}} | 55555 |
{{donor.salutation}} |
If you have not filled in a value for this field, Donor Tools will automatically use the first name. |
{{donor.salutation_formal}} |
Mr. Donor
If you have not filled in a value for this field, Donor Tools will automatically use the prefix followed by the last name. Or if there is no prefix Donor Tools will just use the first name. |
{{donor.recognition_name}} |
Joe, Janet, and Joey Donor
If you have not filled in a value for this field, Donor Tools will automatically try to generate a recognition name for you. |
{{donor.first_names}} | Joe, Janet, and Joey |
{{donor.total_donations}} | $2,500.00 |
{{donor.total_donations_this_year}} | $1,000.00 |
{{donor.total_donations_last_year}} | $1,000.00 |
{{donor.total_donations_this_month}} | $100.00 |
{{donor.total_donations_last_month}} | $100.00 |
{{donor.total_deductible_donations_this_year}} | $600.00 |
{{donor.total_deductible_donations_last_year}} | $1,000.00 |
{{donor.donations_count}} | The number of donations by a donor |
{{donor.donations_this_year_count}} | The number of donations by a donor this year |
{{donor.donations_last_year_count}} | The number of donations by a donor last year |
{% donor.donations %} | An array of the donor's donations |
{% donor.donations_this_year %} | An array of the donor's donations from this year |
{% donor.deductible_donations_this_year %} | An array of the donor's deductible donations from this year |
{% donor.deductible_donations_last_year %} | An array of the donor's donations from last year |
{% donor.donations_last_year %} | An array of the donor's donations from last year |
{% donor.donations_this_fiscal_year %} | An array of the donor's donations from this fiscal year |
{% donor.donations_last_fiscal_year %} | An array of the donor's donations from last fiscal year |
{% donor.donations_this_month %} | An array of the donor's donations from this month |
{% donor.donations_last_month %} | An array of the donor's donations from last month |
{% donor.donations_this_week %} | An array of the donor's donations from this week |
{% donor.donations_last_week %} | An array of the donor's donations from last week |
{% donor.total_soft_credits %} | Total dollar amount of the soft credits attributed to this donor. |
{% donor.total_soft_credits_this_year %} | Total dollar amount of the soft credits attributed to this donor this year. |
{% donor.total_soft_credits_last_year %} | Total dollar amount of the soft credits attributed to this donor last year. |
Field | Description |
{{}} | The unique identifier for a donation. |
{{donation.describe}} | $123.00 for Elementary Schools received on Jun 8, 2009 |
{{donation.amount}} | 50.00 |
{{donation.formatted_amount}} | $50.00 |
{{donation.deductible_amount}} | $40.00 |
{{donation.non_deductible_amount}} | $10.00 |
{{}} | Elementary Schools |
{{donation.funds | join: " and "}} | Elementary Schools and Poverty Relief |
{{donation.received_on}} | Feb 26, 2009 |
{{donation.received_on_long}} | February 26, 2009 |
{{donation.received_on_short}} | 02/26/09 |
{{donation.check_number}} | 1234 |
{{donation.check_date}} | Feb 26, 2009 |
{{donation.check_date_long}} | February 26, 2009 |
{{donation.check_date_short}} | 02/26/09 |
{{donation.soft_credits}} | Fred Frederickson (Fundraiser) |
{{donation.soft_credits_names}} | Fred Frederickson |
{{donation.memo}} | The main memo line from the donation |
{{donation.split_memos}} | The split memo lines from the donation, joined together with a semicolon (;) |
{{donation.all_memos}} | The main memo and the split memo lines from the donation, joined together with a semicolon (;) |
Field | Description |
{% donor.pledges %} |
An array of all this person's
{%donor.outstanding_pledges%} | Same as above, but only lists outstanding pledges (excluding pledges that are paid in full). |
{{donor.pledge.amount}} | The amount of the donor's most recent pledge. |
{{}} |
The date of the donor's most recent pledge.
Example: Feb 26, 2009 |
{{donor.pledge.date_long}} |
The date of the donor's most recent pledge in long form.
Example: February 26, 2009 |
{{donor.pledge.date_short}} |
The date of the donor's most recent pledge in short form.
Example: 02/26/09 |
{{donor.pledge.received_amount}} {{donor.pledge.paid_amount}} | The amount that has been received of the donor's most recent pledge. |
{{donor.pledge.installment_amount}} | The installment amount of the donor's most recent pledge. |
{{donor.pledge.outstanding_amount}} | The outstanding amount of the donor's most recent pledge. |
{{donor.pledge.next_amount}} | The next payment amount for the donor's most recent pledge. |
{{donor.pledge.next_payment_on}} | The date that donor's most recent pledge should be due. |
{% donor.pledge.donations %} |
An array of all the donations paid to this pledge
Soft Credit
Field | Description |
{% donor.soft_credits %} |
An array of this person's
soft credits
Letter/Email Fields
Field | Description |
{{current_date}} | Today's date (e.g. April 10, 2010) |
{{current_time}} | The current time (e.g. 06:12 PM) |
{{letter_date}} | The date that the letter was created (e.g. Dec 9, 2022 ) |
{{letter_time}} | The time that the letter was created (e.g. 06:12 PM) |
Other Fields
Field | Description |
{{user.first_name}} | The first name of the currently signed in user |
{{user.last_name}} | The last name of the currently signed in user |
{{user.email_address}} | The email address of the currently signed in user |
{{user.title}} | The title of the currently signed in user |
{{}} | This organization's name |
Liquid Syntax
The {{donation.split}} object is an array of the splits for this donation. You can loop over this array or apply liquid filters .
Conditional Statements
Thanks for your
{% if donor.donations_count > 2 %} ongoing
{% elsif donor.donations_count >= 1 %} renewed
{% else %} generous {%endif%}
contribution of {{donation.describe}}.
Looping over splits in a donation:
{% for split in donation.splits %}
{{split.formatted_amount}} for {{}}
{% endfor %}
Looping over all a donor's donations:
{% for donation in donor.donations %}
{{donation.describe}} {% endfor %}
Looping over all a donor's donations, but only if there is more than one:
{% if donor.donations.size > 1 %}
Here's a list of all your donations so far: {% for donation in donor.donations %}
{{donation.describe}} {% endfor %}{% endif %}
Looping over all a donor's donations from this fiscal year:
{% for donation in donor.donations_this_fiscal_year %}
{{donation.describe}} {% endfor %}
Join funds with comma:
{{donation.funds | join: ", "}}