People API
In Donor Tools, donors are handled by a resource called People. People is a REST resource supporting the HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. All requests are scoped by organization, and must be authenticated and passed via SSL (HTTPS port 443).
Person Data Structure
You can view the data structure and available fields for a Person resource by requesting a New Person.
GET /people/new.(xml|json)
Status: 200 OK
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persona> <birth-date type="date" nil="true"></birth-date> <company-name nil="true"></company-name> <created-at type="datetime" nil="true"></created-at> <deceased type="boolean">false</deceased> <department nil="true"></department> <gender type="integer" nil="true"></gender> <is-company type="boolean">false</is-company> <job-title nil="true"></job-title> <legacy-id nil="true"></legacy-id> <meta type="yaml" nil="true"></meta> <recognition-name nil="true"></recognition-name> <salutation nil="true"></salutation> <salutation-formal nil="true"></salutation-formal> <tag-list nil="true"></tag-list> <updated-at type="datetime" nil="true"></updated-at> <names type="array"> <name> <first-name nil="true"></first-name> <last-name nil="true"></last-name> <middle-name nil="true"></middle-name> <name-type-id type="integer" nil="true"></name-type-id> <position type="integer" nil="true"></position> <prefix nil="true"></prefix> <suffix nil="true"></suffix> </name> </names> <addresses type="array"> <address> <city nil="true"></city> <country nil="true"></country> <do-not-mail type="boolean">false</do-not-mail> <position type="integer" nil="true"></position> <postal-code nil="true"></postal-code> <state nil="true"></state> <street-address nil="true"></street-address> <time-zone nil="true"></time-zone> </address> </addresses> <phone-numbers type="array"> <phone-number> <address-type-id type="integer" nil="true"></address-type-id> <do-not-call type="boolean">false</do-not-call> <extension nil="true"></extension> <phone-number nil="true"></phone-number> <position type="integer" nil="true"></position> </phone-number> </phone-numbers> <email-addresses type="array"> <email-address> <address-type-id type="integer" nil="true"></address-type-id> <do-not-email type="boolean">false</do-not-email> <email-address nil="true"></email-address> <position type="integer" nil="true"></position> </email-address> </email-addresses> <web-addresses type="array"> <web-address> <address-type-id type="integer" nil="true"></address-type-id> <position type="integer" nil="true"></position> <web-address nil="true"></web-address> </web-address> </web-addresses> <twitter-usernames type="array"> <twitter-username> <address-type-id type="integer" nil="true"></address-type-id> <position type="integer" nil="true"></position> <twitter-username nil="true"></twitter-username> </twitter-username> </twitter-usernames> </persona>
Listing People
GET /people.(xml|json)
Status: 200 OK
<personas type="array" current_page="1" per_page="20" total_entries="673"> <persona> ... </persona> </people>
Pagination & Sorting
Donor Tools uses a standard
scheme for paginating People.
You can sort people by passing the "order" parameter - for example -"people.(xml|json)?order=name"
. You can also pass a "direction" parameter, either "ASC" or "DESC". Possible values for the "order" parameter are name, address, donations, most_recent_donation, email_address, company, and added.
GET /people.(xml|json)?order=email_address&direction=DESC
Supported Sorting Columns
- name
- address
- donations
- most_recent_donation
- email_address
- company
- added
- last_activity
Get a Specified Person by Id
GET /people/1.(xml|json)
Status: 200 OK
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persona> ... </persona>
Create a Person
Before creating a persona, look at the available attributes by requesting "/people/new.(xml|json)" (above).
POST /people.(xml|json)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persona> ... </persona>
Status: 201 CREATED
You can tag a donor by passing an element called "tag-list". This can either be an array or a comma-separated list.
<persona> ... <tag-list type="array"> <tag-list>Tag 1</tag-list> <tag-list>Tag 2</tag-list> </tag-list> </persona>
<persona> ... <tag-list>Tag 1, Tag 2</tag-list> </persona>
To make sure that you have the most recent data for a Person resource, it is usually a good idea to GET the persona resource before attempting to update it. Then, you can simply modify the XML attributes as needed and send it back. Alternatively, you can construct an XML file using the structure shown above.
PUT /people/1.(xml|json)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persona> ... </persona>
Status: 200 OK
Delete a Person
Deleting a persona cascades to all the persona's objects: donations, notes, names, relationships, etc. will all be deleted when a persona is deleted. There is no confirmation before deleting, so be sure you are sure before passing the DELETE method!
DELETE /people/1.(xml|json)
Status: 200 OK